Gun Control Outline
- Intro
B. Why people think Gun control will help
- Police brutality will subside
- Less guns less shootings
C. Converse of why gun control will not help
- Our defence force without weapons??
- Do criminals ever follow laws? Compare drugs
D. States/cities with strictest gun laws compared to cities with lax gun laws
- Top 10 vs bottom 10
- Average state gun deaths tied to strictness of gun laws
E. Hitler and Gun Laws
- Hitler’s beginnings of gun control
- The ultimate goal of his gun control
F. Second amendment right and why it is our right
- America built on checks and balances. Judicial, Executive, Legislative
- 2nd amendment rights is another check and balance
G. Gun control or gun fear
- Switzerland ‘s gun laws
- Switzerland’s gun violence vs america
- Taught to respect not fear